About us

The non-profit association Estonian Union of Dance Art and Dance Education is an artistic association consisting of dance teachers, choreographers, dancers and other professionals of the dance field.

Our goals are:

  • huvikaitse – seisame liikmete ja kogu valdkonna huvide eest suhtluses riiklike ja KOV organisatsioonidega;
  • to coordinate and develop activities in the field of dance art and dance education;
  • to promote contacts among professionals;
  • to represent the professional and occupational interests of dance teachers and dance artists;
  • pakume loomeliiduna liikmetele loome- ja loometegevuse toetusi;
  • to involve the public and our members in developing dance art and dance education in Estonia;
  • to support the development of different forms of dance as an art form and to support new innovative directions in dance education;
  • to ensure dance an equal status as an art form among other art forms;
  • to protect the creative, occupational, financial, social and copyright interests of dance teachers and artists, including freelancers;
  • to ensure training activities to an unlicensed extent for the development of dance art;
  • organising dance and other cultural events;
  • to undertake marketing, media and publishing activities related to dance art and dance education
  • info vahetamine oma liikmete (infokirjad), meedia, avalikkuse, samalaadsete rahvusvaheliste organisatsioonide ja teiste institutsioonide vahel;
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